SHRM Recertification News
SHRM membership plus Tri-State SHRM membership is a perfect combination. But for you, as a SHRM-certified professional, it’s a double scoop of awesome.
Don’t let your credential expire!
Take advantage of your national and local PDC-earning opportunities as you continue your journey to earn the 60 PDCs required to recertify your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential.
Here are a few things to help you along the way:
- Your 3-year recertification period ends on the last day of your birth month.
Don’t let your credential lapse! Log into your Certification Portal to check your current PDC status and submit your application when you have 60 PDCs (if you submit early, your dates will not change, but you’ll have peace of mind).
Access your Certification Portal now >>
- Attend Tri-State SHRM Upcoming PDC-Eligible Events and Activities.
- Access Recertification Resources.
- Find how-to videos for entering different PDC activities.
- Connect directly with the recertification team on live chats and webcasts. Get all your recertification questions answered!
- Earn PDCs online right here, right now with free SHRM webcasts.
Access webcasts at Topics cover a wide range of HR issues, so you can find ones relevant to your current HR challenges.
- Take the free SHRM Competency Self- Assessment.
This exclusive SHRM member resource helps you identify areas of strength and opportunities for development based on the SHRM Competency Model. After completing it, your results will inform your professional development plan and you will be one PDC closer to 60.
As a reminder, all need-to-know information about SHRM recertification can be found in the SHRM Recertification Handbook.
We recognize your commitment to staying ahead in your career and wish you the best of luck on your recertification journey!