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member app Word

    Tri-State SHRM
    Your central HR connection to
    Training, Resources & Innovation in the Tri-State Area

    P.O. Box 1485
    Uniontown, PA 15401

    Contact: Bobbi Ryan – VP of Membership

    Membership Application
    Please print all information – Thank you!

    Contact Information

    1. Name AND Title: _____________________________________________________________

    2. Company Name:_____________________________________________________________

    3. Company Address:___________________________________________________________

    4. Company City/State/Zip:_______________________________________________________

    5. Business Phone:_____________________________________________________________

    6. Business Email Address:______________________________________________________

    7. Home Address:______________________________________________________________

    8. Home City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________________

    9. Home Phone:_______________________________________________________________

    10. Home Email Address:_________________________________________________________

    11. Email address for chapter communication....................................... c Business c Home

    12. Address to be used for mail and membership directory listing........ c Business c Home

    13. Check this box only if you DO NOT want to be listed in the Membership Directory............... c

    Professional Information

    14. My current SHRM membership number is: ________________________________________
    NOTE: You MUST be a member of SHRM to be considered for membership in Tri-State SHRM. If you are NOT currently a SHRM member, you can register on-line at OR you can complete the attached Member Madness form and enclose it with this form; PLEASE make a separate check payable to “SHRM” for your SHRM dues. Thank you.

    15. I learned about Tri-State SHRM through: __________________________________________

    16. I would describe my role as:
    c HR Practitioner c Consultant/Service Provider c Educator
    Other (please explain/describe):_______________________________________________

    17. Company Size (number of Ees).. c Less than 25 c 25-50 c 51-99 c 100-500 c > 500

    18. HR Department Size......................... c Less than 5 c 5-9 c 10-24 c 25-49 c > 50

    19. Years in HR............................................ c Less than 3 c 3-5 c 6-9 c 10-15 c 15+

    20. Certification............ c SPHR c PHR c Other: _____________________________

    21. Education.............. c High School c Some College c BA/BS c Master’s c Ph.D.
    Major OR Area of Specialization: ______________________________________________

    22. I am a CURRENT member of the following professional associations:

    23. I have attached a current resume................................................................... c Yes c No

    Chapter Involvement Information

    24. The reason(s) that I am interested in becoming a member of Tri-State SHRM:

    25. I am interested in serving on the following committees:
    c Certification: Organizes and oversees HRCI national certification training (i.e., PHR, SPHR).
    c Community Outreach: Organizes and oversees projects that enhance HR’s role in the community.
    c Conference: Organizes and oversees activities relating to annual conferences; may include developing alliances with sister chapters.
    c Finance: Assists in Chapter accounting and financial activities; committee chair is Treasurer.
    c Legislative Affairs: Works with national SHRM to keep chapter members abreast of current legislative and regulatory developments.
    c Membership: Responsible for recruitment, new member orientation and membership communication; committee chair is Vice President of Membership.
    c Marketing/Public Relations: Promotes chapter awareness in the community.
    c Nancy J. Watts Memorial Scholarship: Coordinates fundraising and recipient selection of annual scholarship.
    c Newsletter: Oversees all activities related to publication of monthly newsletter; committee chair is Secretary.
    c Program: Schedules and directs chapter programs, training, round table discussions and special events; committee chair is President-Elect.
    c Research Projects: Coordinates research projects to determine area HR trends and best practices.
    c Student Chapter Affairs: Develops and serves as liaison with affiliated student chapters.

    26. I would be willing to chair the following committee:

    27. I would like to be considered for the following Board position:

    28. I would be interested in presenting a workshop or conducting a round table discussion on the following topic(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

    Payment Information

    29. I am a member of SHRM and have designated Tri-State SHRM as my Primary Chapter Affiliation and am enclosing a copy of the completed on-line form................................... ANNUAL DUES: $0.00
    NOTE: This form can be found at Tri-State SHRM’s chapter number is 663.
    I am a member of SHRM, but have designated another chapter as my Primary Chapter Affiliation and enclosed a check for my annual dues................................................................... ANNUAL DUES: $25.00

    Applications cannot be processed without signature and payment (if applicable).


    Name (printed):_________________________________________________________________


    Chapter Use Only:

    Date Received: ________/________/________ Date Approved: ________/________/________

    Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________